Thursday, April 17, 2008

Episode 6.

Thirteenth day, sixth state?? Thursday 17th April.

So, I'm sitting here in the height of luxury ((not really...)) in the Homewood Suite Hilton hotel in Albuquerque, New Mexico! Mom's watching TV, Dad's doing something and I'm obviously on the computer.

Actually...I'm gonna go get dinner now. =).


Wow, what a strange experience! After just getting back from a dinner of over-cheesy macaroni and over-cooked dry chicken ((did I mention it was free!! =))) I kinda sorta had to go to the bathroom ((I don't know why I'm slightly embarrassed to admit this. After all, everyone does. That's one thing I don't understand when I go with my girl friends to the bathroom-as we do, in a group. Some of them turn on the tap before going into a stall because they don't want everyone to know. It's not like...oh-kay, going to stop now.)) and anyways, when I flushed, the water swirled anti-clockwise! I don't understand, at the last hotel I was at, it swirled clockwise ((I remembered cuz people are always asking me that when I get back from a visit from the states. People usually from the male side of the species.)). Now I'm confused. Which way is it supposed to swirl up here?! this morning while we were still in Los Vegas, NEW MEXICO, we woke up, opened the curtains and SHA-BANG! It was snowing again! A lot harder than it was in Iowa. So it was kinda fun watching it as we drove with my grandparents for a few hours down to here in Albuquerque.

There's still not a huge amount to write about. We've been going to see people around the place that are my parent's good friends. So I can't wait to get to Wichita and see some of my friends for a change. We'll get there on the 20th, so it's only a few days to go. Meanwhile I'll be here in New Mexico meeting my family from my mom's side. I don't really know a lot of people besides my grandparents, and it's been really exciting to see my cousin Ivy for the first time in four years, especially because she's pregnant now, due in July. =).

If whoever is reading this could please pray for some friends of ours that we just saw the other day in Colorado, that would be fantastic. The guy has something that is kind of like MS, but the doctors can't really figure it out. They've been tossed around to different specialists all over the place for a few years now, but nothing is really helping. When you hear his and his wife's story, it kind of seems obvious ((at least maybe to me, and it's just my personal opinion)) that God is trying to do something here. But it needs prayer to come into action if you catch my drift. That would be cool. They are very good friends of my parents, and apparently they've known me forever.

Cool, anyways, I'm gonna watch TV or something now. Hey, it's not every day that you get good Cable! =).

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