Tuesday, April 17, 2007

You know you've been an IHOP intern if...

You know you've been an IHOP intern if...

...you've shown up at someone's wedding wearing your name tag (or you wore it during filming for a DVD)

.…you sway left and right at the checkout line.

…you've used the word "intense" to describe something that was clearly not 'intense'.

…you've lived in KC for 5 years and still have your old drivers license.

…you've been ruined.

…you've ever rocked in front of computer.

…end every email with 'bless you' followed by your initials.

…you don't know anyone that's actually from Kansas City.

…you've had DeAnna cut your hair.

…you know what a puff is.

…you don't understand why somewhere doesn't have wireless.

…you write entire e-mail messages in the subject box.

…you've ever helped with the CEC and STI over at FSM during an EGS or FCF service just before the GBF

…you ever contemplated shaving your head and buying trendy glasses.

… you feel empty without a nalgene in one hand and a grande coffee in the other.

…when you always associate colors with the highlighted themes in your Bible (ex: blue car = think of end times)

…you own a pen pouch.

...you've probably had caleb powell work on one of your vehicles on at least one occassion… if you own one.

...after having been at ihop for at least a few months you - 1)get a tatoo 2) get some type of piercing 3) change your hair color

...can use a misty chorus for almost anything…. "does anyone know what tiiiiime it is?"

...change your name in some way to demonstrate the reality of what's going on in your heart or to get back to the biblical meaning. For instance: You were always known as Dan before… but now it's 'Daniel'.

...You somehow end up sounding like Dwayne, Allen, or Mike when on the prayer mike - whether you're male or female.

...It's normal to meet someone, date them, get engaged to them, and get married within a 3 month time period.

...worship at an FCF service seems ridiculously short because it ONLY lasts an hour.

...IHOPers think that "Amen" is always followed by "Let's stand."

…It's normal to see people wearing the same clothes in the morning that you saw them wearing the previous evening (night watch, not bad hygiene)

…You've had someone accidentally say "good night" to you as you get out of your car at 6am.

…You see someone with gray or white hair and think they must be a Simeon

…Age 30 is "old"

…You say "no, totally" when you agree with something. (thanks DWAYNE)

…You have to buy Asics running shoes to protect your feet from all the pacing in the prayer room.

…You time everything in two-hour incriments. Better yet, you associate time with what SET it is instead of the actual time. (Intercession just ended… time for lunch!)

...If you own a apple product.

...Your prayer language has a ro-bo-bo-bo-sho in it or you roll your r's

Oh, IHOP. I love you.

Please send this to all the former and current IHOP interns that you know.

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