Thursday, April 12, 2007

Easter Camp 07

I suppose I should type out something about EC07.

It was certainly an interesting time. The worship was amazing. It was that type of worship that you kind of expect when you go to a conference or maybe City on a Hill. I can only describe it as loud and a little hyped up. The lead singer from my favourite swing band Late 80's Mercedes was the worship leader. So that was cool.

The meetings themselves were pretty hyped up, as you can expect when about 3300 teenagers are sitting in the same room. We had Tribal Wars where they split the Paladium (they called it the Pavillion, but I'll never get over Paladium.) into three sections; Stealth (yes, I thought of Caleb every time. And because I thought of Caleb, I lost. Haha, now you lost!! Hahahaha.), Recon (our tribe in the middle) and Cobolt. I believe Stealth won. (I lost). Recon lost. (I haven't stopped losing yet, have you??)

The speakers were amazing. The theme of the camp was Love Wins (as I posted about earlier). This one guy, Mic Nugget (as he was affectionatly called) Made a really interesting speech on Sunday morning about loving people as Jesus would love them. This basically means loving the unlovable. Think about it. Jesus loved the prostitutes and tax collectors, not just his disciples and the rabbis. This was a hard pill to swallow for me. Especially when he told a story of this woman talking to a young girl who wanted an abortion. Instead of trying to talk her out of it and threaten to tell her parents, as I probably would have done, this lady simply told the girl that she would be there for her after the abortion. She did this because it was the more loving way to go about it. The reason the girl couldn't go to her parents was because she was scared she would get kicked out of her "Christian" home because she was pregnant. If this lady had tried to talk her out of it, she would have been showing about as much support as what the parents were. None.

The rest of the story went that the girl decided against the abortion because she felt like she actually had support from someone. Her parents, of course found out and did end up throwing her out. So the girl went to the lady, because she knew she would be loved there. Because the girl had been thrown out of her parent's house, she no longer had funding for college (uni). The lady not only provided a roof over the girl and her baby's head and food and everything else, she also sacrificed stuff in her life to pay the rest of the girl's way through college.

That's love at it's finest. And suprisingly hard to live up to.

That was just one part of one amazing serman from the weekend.

So that was really good. Not a lot of the rest of the weekend was very interesting. Although I really enjoyed some of the little things going on, such as the swing party with Lt. Funk. I put on my Belle skirt and had a lot of fun. I found Jesse at the beginning and showed him my skirt (I really like this skirt.) Maybe I should explain about the skirt. I found it at the school gala. It's not the nicest color, green, but I thought it would be good for Darby stuff. However, when I tried it on, I discovered it was one of those beautiful skirts that fly out when you twirl, but doesn't go so high that you see unmentionables. So anyways, I was showing Jesse and, being a ballroom dancer, offered to help me make it really twirl good. Talk about fun.

This other guy, I don't know his name still, is an amazing dancer. I'm really not good at ballroom. It's really boxed and if you make a mistake, it's noticable. Even after I explained this he still asked me to dance. He was such a good leader. I could see him rolling his eyes every once in a while when I stood on his toe or something, but it was actually really fun.

Oh, and I made a new friend from Kumeu. Her name is Monique. The only nice Monique I've ever had the pleasure to meet. Her birthday was over the weekend and she was just really sweet.

There were a few other really good times, but this blog is getting way too long, so I should just leave it.

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