Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Tonight's Crazy Worship Set.

It all started in worship. Elliot and Gemma were leading and towards the end it all got quiet. I was on my knees at this point, thinking about the cross cuz we had just been singing 'God of all Splendour'. Then Dan starts talking about repentance and how he felt we needed to get on our knees before God and just repent and give all our guilt to God.

After a little while he got up and gave a little speech, mainly saying that he had planned something really cool, but the Holy Spirit had some other plans, so we'd go with that. People started getting up and giving testimonys of some cool things that had recently happened involving God. Some really neat stuff was said but things really started getting good when the Fabrin sisters got up and were talking about the Essence Conference and this weird as gold that had been appearing on their hands. They asked who wanted some and, not sure if I really believed it could be real, I put my hand up.

Sarah came and prayed for me and sure enough, I looked down and saw some sparkles on my hands. I wiped them on my jeans to make sure that I wasn't just seeing shiny sweat. The sparkles remained. As cool as that was, I just got the feeling that I should get on my knees and give my hands to God. This was because we had been learning about Bach in music. Bach was the type of guy that would pray in tongues before doing anything, just to make sure he was doing it for God. I decided I wanted to be like this with my hands. I use my hands for many things. Some main ones are playing guitar and praying for people. I really want to be a blessing through my hands, so I was praying that God would use me through my hands.

It was cool cuz a whole bunch of people came over to pray for me. My forehead started to twitch uncontrollably and then my mouth. My teeth were chattering and I couldn't stop it. Then someone starts laughing. Really loud and hard. Not just any laughter though. Holy laughter. It started spreading around the room and soon I had caught it too. When most of the people around me had left to pray for someone else or because they had caught it themselves, I got up to the front where the most people were laughing. From there I couldn't stop rolling around for about an hour. Crazy stuff!

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