“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?”
-Matthew 5:43-46.
I was just vacuuming those stairs, thinking about the Suite Life of Zac and Cody ((Disney freak, I know...)) and about how in order to marry someone with children you’d have to also love the children ((if you don’t see where I’m getting this, don’t ask. It’s really not that important =). )). This was making me think about the different Greek meanings for love;
- Eros (ἔρως érōs) is passionate love ((romantic)).
- Philia (φιλία philía), which means friendship.
- Agapē (ἀγάπη agápē) means a self-sacrificing, giving love to all--both friend and enemy.
- Storge (στοργή storgē) means "affection" in modern Greek; it is natural affection, like that felt by parents for offspring.
- Thelema (θέλημα thélēma) means "desire" in modern Greek; it is the desire to do something, to be occupied, to be in prominence.
First of all, who is my enemy? I thought Mom put it really well the other day ((and Mom, correct me if I’m wrong please)), she said something about an enemy being a person or group of people who aren’t looking for your best interest. Those who are wronging you or are putting you in a bad situation. When I think about enemies, I think of King David. All throughout the Psalms he’s saying things like, “My enemies have reproached me all day long; Those who deride me have used my name as a curse.” ((Psalm 102:8)) and “But my enemies are vigorous and strong ((or numerous)), And many are those who hate me wrongfully.” ((Psalm 38:19)).
So how are we meant to love them as Jesus requires? Wikipedia puts it down to agapē, a self sacrificing, giving kind of love. So what does the Bible say about this kind of love? I think you all know it and some could quote it back to me, but I’ll put it in here anyways. In fact, I’ll put it in a list to make later points easier. =).
❑ “Love is patient,
❑ love is kind
❑ and is not jealous;
❑ love does not brag
❑ and is not arrogant,
❑ does not act unbecomingly;
❑ it does not seek its own,
❑ is not provoked,
❑ does not take into account a wrong suffered,
❑ does not rejoice in unrighteousness,
❑ but rejoices with the truth;
❑ bears all things,
❑ believes all things,
❑ hopes all things,
❑ endures all things.
❑ Love never fails...”
- 1st Corinthians 13:4-8a.
Wow. How many of those can you really tick off and say you’ve done for that annoying girl at work or that teacher who ‘hates’ you? I always kind of thought that Jesus meant, ‘tolerate your enemies and pray that those that hate you have an okay day and don’t bother you.’ But I think what He is asking for is more self sacrificing and giving than that. It’s more than just giving them a brighter smile or being nice to them externally. It really has more to do with your inward feelings.
I’d encourage you to just look through that list, thinking about everyone that you encounter regularly in a week and maybe do some repenting. How well are we loving? If G-d truly is love, and we’re His disciples, trying to be more and more like Him every day, how well are we really doing? I think this is a major task, crucial to changing the culture around us, but it’s also one of the hardest things we can ever attempt to keep up. Love.
Can you tell me why you a) haven't preached at church yet and b) don't have some kind of writing ministry in a womens magazine or something?
This is one of the best, most mature, most straight up truth blog posts I have seen, and it's from someone who hasn't even finished school!
You amaze me Sam Borchers.
a) I'm better at writing speeches than giving them.
b) I don't even read woman's magazine, much less contribute to them. And I was too busy to go for that Soul Purpose internship this year.
But thank you! I'm so glad at least one person reads them. =). And if it has to be anyone, I'm glad it's someone whose opinion I value.
...((and Mom, correct me if I’m wrong please)), she said something about an enemy being a person or group of people who aren’t looking for your best interest...
OK, this is what I said...an enemy is someone who is at cross purposes with what you want to do. They are against what you want to accomplish and actively come against that. This, btw, could be your friends or parents and not necessarily what we consider to be an enemy. But not everything that we want to do is good to do and by people coming against what you want to do actually make them not only enemies, but your friends... if you get my drift.
I agree, Dan. Sam should be preaching. Or she could write my sermons and I'd look really good!! haha
I'm pretty sure you weren't that technical when you were talking to me...
But thank you!
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