It's just not fair. There it sits. Right next to my computer that's on an incredibly messy desk stuffed with anything but study work. Begging to be charged and turned on. Tempting, testing.
Yes, I'm talking about my camera. It wants to be taken out for an adventure again, but I haven't had time, mainly because of school.
So I've decided to be incredibly brave and maybe take it to school tomorrow. I need to find a bag for it though, so it won't get wet.
Argh, something else to carry around. But hopefully it will be worth it.
Not that I have time to edit anything anyways. I still have two other adventure days I haven't even STARTED!!! Flip.
I can't wait to get out of school. I was talking to a year 13 on the bus home today and she thinks I should stick through one more year. It's like self inflicting torture on my self.
Maybe that a little melodramatic...but it is definitely getting to the point where I walk into school or a classroom and think, I love these people, there's nothing wrong with this teacher, but this next hour of sitting at a desk and faining interest in something I'm not interested in really seems like a waste of time.
When I could be at home or out on the street, seeing people I want to see and going places I actually want to go, taking photos or writing songs, making memories, doing SOMETHING!
But I suppose it's only one more year of waking up earlier than I consider necessary and doing pointless tasks all day. Time to make the most of it, I suppose.
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