Friday, July 18, 2008

Catch Up Time...

Wow, so, I haven't blogged in forever. Which is kind of annoying. To me.

Anyways, I'm basically just procrastinating the assignment that I've been working on all holidays which is really, super, uber boring. If it was more exciting it probably would have been finished by now cuz it's not really that much work, it's just not enjoyable work. This is why I better figure out what I would enjoy to do as a job because, to be quite frank, if I don't enjoy it nothing will get done.

Oh, and this post will probably be all over the place because Mom got some really good Fair Trade Coffee and made me some this morning. And now I'm buzzing. Slightly.

A couple of posts down I wrote about some goals I had set for myself. I would just like to proudly say I've already achieved the little one about having a song by the next Open Mic Night. Which was last weekend. I think I'll call the song "Wherever You Are", but nothing's really been decided yet.

Mom and Dad bought some iPhones recently and are getting them working. They're really impressed. And I think I've finally slightly convinced Dad that I should have a Mac. Which, let's face it, I kinda do need in order to really work on my photography and music.

Speaking of photography, I have been wanting to work on more photos these holidays but we've had people over from America and I've had this music assignment to work on. Plus camp, which was AMAZING. So, in the end, I think I've worked on a grand total of two photos. One that I found out later I had already worked on. Good one, Sam.

Let's just say I can't wait for a holiday. I can't honestly say I've really had one since the summer. Oh, I miss summer. We went to the Coromandel earlier this week and I fell in love with it again. So, I've decided to roadtrip up there this summer-near Christmas so hardly any of the tourists will be there. And now that's all I can think about, planning out my summer. Which is another five months away. After another term of school and a whole bunch of exams. It's like the light at the end of a very, very dark tunnel.


Dan said...

You should not go back to school next year and instead work with me then you won't need light at the end of the tunnel cos you will have an amazing year...

Esther Irwin said...

umm, DAN!!!! we need to talk!!!!! Atey aswa etha ongwra ingtha ota asay!! (I hope you know pig latin)

Sam. said...

otay adbay iay owkna igpay atinlay...atthay asway aay illysay ingthay otay oday.

That's for being my ONLY support in leaving school, Dan. You're the man. Except that I'm gonna force my way through it. For at least half of next year. =).