Sorry I haven't written in a few days. It's not been particularly busy, I just haven't had the chance to just sit down at a computer. I think the last time we chatted I was staying at Scott and Audrey and Cole's house. The day after, ((as you can probably tell from the last one)) Cole and I were taking pictures on the MAC computer with photobooth. Here's another one:

The rest of the day we just played around the house and chilled out. Not super productive, but it was really fun.
The next day we all went shopping at a bunch of outlet stores because Mom and I were running out of clothes..and then we went shopping again today at the Mall of Georgia-the second largest mall in the United States. Today was more prom dress shopping though. Yes, I did find a dress for this year that I'm pretty happy with. It's kind of a lightish orangeish color. Not really sure how else to put it.
Man my posture is getting bad!
So I'm now staying at Sara and Jason and Acca ((Ace-ah))'s house as of last night-which also includes their flatmate Marsh, three dogs and three cats. So it's pretty crazy. I'm still jet-lagged a bit which means we can all stay up late playing video games. =). We've been playing some band version of Guitar Hero. I can't remember the name. I might go play it after this blog and writing some emails. So instead of just having the guitar you can have vocals, drums and bass too. Yeah, I'm almost ashamed to say I play the bass. On easy. I tried drums and failed pretty bad. Bass truly IS only half a guitar! Haha. It's way easy.
Dad bought a new camera today, so I think I might be getting the old ((but still waaay more amazing than anything I could ever afford)) one. So be expecting more pictures soon. Sorry that I've been so slack about that. I actually don't think I'll be getting everything off until I get home.
Ahhh, home. It seems so far away. But unfortunately things still catch up with you. If you're reading this, I would certainly appreciate prayer. Don't cross me off the list just because I'm a billion gazillion miles away.
Anyways, I need to be doing something else. Like sleeping. That would be good.
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