Thursday, January 10, 2008

Recording is so much fun. I'm in love with hearing my guitar being played on the computer over and over and we add more things to the song. To be honest, I didn't think that would happen, cuz I usually hate hearing my performance pieces being re-played at school. I guess we'll see how I feel after recording my voice...

I'm so incredibly tired. We went to pick up Sarah from the airport this morning [[us being Shaun, Elliot and me]] and they got in at about 3.40am. For some reason I get this weird feeling in my stomache after having coffee for the rest of the day and I'm hungry. But I can't motivate myself enough to get up and get food. I also need to re-write some letters and send them off to America. Again, there's not a good enough motivation.

Recording is the man.

That's about all I have to say. I'm really just blogging because I have nothing better to do, but the problem is: I'm too tired to actually talk about anything interesting.


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